
GPU Accelerated *


GPU acceleration has great benefit in both fluid simulation and obviously CGI. I am just staring in this field but determined to learn more !

Game of Life Simulation, Done with WebGPU

Embarking on a Parallelized Odyssey

Even in very high-end server environments, CPUs typically don’t exceed 64 cores. This means that even with parallel computing across, let’s say, 20 compute nodes, we’d have around 1,000 cores working concurrently. Now, compare this to a single modern high-end GPU boasting more than 10,000 cores. While this substantial numerical difference might suggest that GPUs outpace CPUs completely, the reality is nuanced—it’s not always the case. GPUs shine in specific types of calculations, and coincidentally, my work in both fluid simulation and visualization falls within this category. With the goal of enhancing my work through hardware acceleration, I’ve recently delved into learning about GPUs. Following an outstanding tutorial on WebGPU by GoogleCodeLab, I created my first WebGPU program and did some improving on it. This marks just the beginning of my journey into GPU computation, and I am eagerly anticipating delving deeper into this fascinating realm of parallel processing. There’s much more to discover and explore.